Join us June 27th and 28th as we gather for the first ever Men's Summit at
St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Prosper, TX.

In 2023, several parishioners attended the Men's Summit at St. Ann's in Coppell and were inspired to bring a similar event to St. Martin de Porres and inspire the men of the parish to holiness.

Why do we need a summit for men?

Our culture has misdefined masculinity to be synonymous with violence, aggression, sex, and status. Where strength is everything and emotions are a sign of weakness.

The Catholic Church, founded by Christ, tells us that this view of manhood is impoverished and pathetic. It's time to reclaim our identity as true men and, following Christ, go to the front.

A Call to Lead

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will deliver three inspiring talks to the men of our parish and surrounding parishes.

We will fellowship over two days with small group discussions, beer, cigars, brisket, barbecue, and the Sacraments.

Men's Summit Agenda


Kick things off on Friday night with free drinks, barbecue (provided by our brothers in the Knights of Columbus) and Cigars next to a bonfire as we discuss our role as men.

Friday 6/27 6-10pm


Saturday morning starts with Mass and breakfast as we gather to listen to a full day of Deacon Harold. Break out sessions will provide an opportunity for small groups to turn inspiration into action.

Saturday 6/28 8am-4pm

Men are made for sacrifice

Men are the primary spiritual leaders of the domestic church but are too often distracted by wealth, pleasure, power, and honor. Let's recalibrate our vision towards our primary mission.